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Debt Lawyers in Madrid

FORCAM ABOGADOS provides legal services in claiming debts at a national and international level. We have a team of debt lawyers who are experts in recovering high debts, with extensive experience in claiming debts and non-payments from companies and individuals.

We take care of claiming high amount debts quickly and efficiently, since we have the best attorneys in debts, claims of unpaid bills, collection of defaulters, among others.

Our team of debt lawyers are specialists claiming debts in Spain. In addition, we have a specific International Debt Collection Department, which is responsible for claiming amounts from business, companies and individuals outside of Spain.

Our clients are companies and individuals who want to reclaim large amounts of debt in the most efficient way possible. Numerous success stories endorse FORCAM ABOGADOS as one of the best Spanish law firms in national and international debt claims.

Experience in claiming high debts in Madrid

All of our debt attorneys have experience and a high level of knowledge in debt recovery. Our clients are businesses, companies and individuals who want to recover high debts. We are specialists in the recovery of large amounts of debt, offering our clients consolidated strategies to recoup debts in full, by friendly or judicial means.

We reclaim debts over 12.000 € in Madrid

We recover debts greater than 12.000 €. It is true that lower debts can be claimed, but in most cases, it isn't profitable.

We have created mechanism and strategies to claim debts effectively. We carry out complex negotiation procedures to recoup all debts through amicable means. In the event that the amicable route isn't viable, we urge rapid judicial procedures, which allow us to recover our clients' debts.

We recover debts through extrajudicial procedures in Madrid

Our debt attorneys are responsible for the recovery of debts of companies and individuals through judicial and extrajudicial means. However, before going to court, and whenever possible, we manage the recovery of debts through amicable procedures.

If the debtor has the capacity to pay, we will initiate the friendly procedures necessary to obtain payment of the debt, and we will reach out-of-court agreements that give legal form to the settlement reached.

We carry out judicial procedures to recover debts in Madrid

The judicial debt recovery procedure begins when the friendly phase of negotiation with the debtor hasn't given a satisfactory result to reclaim the debt. The judicial procedure has the objective of recovering a debt quickly, effectively and efficiently, going to court. Depending on the type of debt and amount, debt attorneys will initiate one type of judicial procedure, or another.

The judicial debt recovery procedure is a useful and quick procedure that is used to claim debts from all types of businessmen, professionals, individuals, etc.
Debt Lawyers in Madrid

Do you need a debt recovery lawyer in Madrid?

If you need to recover a high debt and want to receive quality legal advice, contact us, our debt lawyers will study your case, to establish the most appropriate strategy to recover the debt in full.

We can assist you in person at our law office in Madrid. In addition, we can also assist you remotely, we offer a telematic legal advice service by videoconference, so that our clients can recover their debts and receive quality advice from anywhere.

Contact us at Tel. (+34) 936 26 49 49, or send us an email to madrid@forcamabogados.com